Hi guys,

I was just digging through some of the files in my Compu and came across some old stories and whatsoever written by me (ahem...don't be afraid). So, I thought "why don't I publish 'em in my blog. After all its my blog. So, after just a little thought... I said yes...and here it is...i will be starting the posts probably after this week, 'coz I am a lil busy this week and will not be home until, I hope, Saturday...

So....these short stories or whatsoever will be published in here http://hari-excerpts.blogspot.com/

I hope you'll like it, and if you do, plz leave a comment. But if u don't like 'em, plz leave a suggesstion.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas...


I Find U

i try to find out a way
a way to find what is life
life which takes me far
far away from the world
just takes me away
as long as it can

i try find an answer
answer to all my questions
what life can do without me
what i can do with everything
things gotta change
and change is forever

i try to see through
through the downs of life
through the ups, which follow
the phase of grief
they say, is brief
and through the phases of life
i find you... everywhere