What The F

When we first heard about 'End of the world' most of us thought it was another publicity stunt for the movie 2012. But less did we realise that "End" was surely there..It might not be the end of the world. But END surely it is.
Extremists who do all sorts of protests against the so called changing culture, who rally against Valentine's day, who raid pubs, who beat up couples don't seem to be around to protect young kids when they are being abused.
If dresses provoke people to be animals, then what the hell is the fault of those little adorable kids??
A voice is raised against the female atrocities and people heard it. Hope we, as part of being 'people', understand it. But, the kids..(a boy or a girl..KIDS), what about their protection?

Are we being so smug of our gender that we are no more human?
Are we so proud of our age that we steal people of their innocence?

Wandering eyes ask me.."Are you an animal or are you still human??"

They're here...

Waited for them for ages... And then, they're here...They're so gorgeous that I go mad just by their thought crossing my mind...Their presence make me go wild and I long for them...
I smell them and you can say its the feeling of ecstasy...
I hold one of them firmly and dig my teeth into it when its juices quench my thirst and the next moment, I am in heaven :)...

Hurry up... The MANGO season is hereeeeee...

My share of mangoes... Alphonso & Benisha (Banginapalli)